Microsoft Posters
As a product designer at Microsoft, I seldomly had the opportunity to design for print. These were mostly small projects such as these posters for internal and external events.
This first design seen below was for an internal event for the design community called “Design Day”. The theme for that year was LOVE, which was inspired by Satya Nadella’s speech that prompted the company to focus on evolving Microsoft products from products that people need, to products that people want, and eventually products that people love.
Created entirely in Adobe Illustrator, this image depicted many of Microsoft’s devices in a composition that melded them together an energetic and animated flow. The word LOVE was printed in metallic foil, suggesting that employees see their image in the message the poster was conveying.

This next poster was meant to celebrate the launch of Microsoft HoloLens Developer Edition, and was distributed to developers visiting the //build conference.