Premium Content

The premium subscription service of Microsoft Office products gives customers the ability to use beautifully curated content such as fonts, photographs, videos, icons and other elements in their documents. We celebrated this work by partnering with Reisigner Studio and Zelig Sound to create an art film that featured samples of this premium content.


We dedicated equal exploratory time to every content category. Seen here are some of the early frames exploring the look and feel of the typography section of the film.

Given that artificial intelligence is used in the product to determine the kind of content that would best fit with each customer presentation and their topic, we wanted to depict this AI physically in the film as well. We eventually narrowed it to an autonomous cloth-like device that travelled across various rooms, gathering discrete parts to later be used in the final PowerPoint slide.


Shots from the photography section.


These are other experiments for the cloth element aimed at representing AI.

Each room was also constructed with the goal of representing the qualities of the applications we were celebrating. Small cues such as pagination mechanics, UI controls and elevation, were lifted from Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to augment scenes and illustrate the spaces where we would see this content coming to life.


Thank you!


Thanks to Andrés Reisinger, Facu Labo and Nat Zaytseva of Reisigner Studio, as well as the talented folks at Zelig Sound for their partnership in creating this lovely piece.

Congratulations to the brilliant team of designers, PM’s and engineers at Office for crafting such a cool solution for customers!


Fluent UI Plugins


Fluent UI